Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Finished, finally!

Today I received two new modules from Synthesizers.com: a Q107A State Variable Filter and a Q127 Fixed Filter Bank. With these modules, my MU system is now complete. I don't really plan to expand it any further.

Here is a picture of both filters:

Many people complain that the Q127 lacks resonance at each band, and that the overall gain is a bit low. My first impressions sort of confirm these opinions, but once I fed back the output of the FFB into itself (using a mixer), I get all kinds of whistling resonances and plenty of gain. I don't have any experience with other FFBs (particularly, with inductor-based FFBs), so I cannot compare.

The Q107A is a good all-around filter. I plan to set this one to hard clipping and leave my other Q107 with soft clipping. The hard clipping setting on the Q107 makes it scream like crazy.

Earlier this year I also bought two multi-function modules: a Q155 Curver (waveshaping, inverter, slope detector and VCA), and a Q157 SH++ (noise source, LFO, sample & hold, slew limiter). Last year, I bought an STG Soundlabs Mankato Filter and an STG Mixer. These are pretty much the only modules I've bought in the past 4 or 5 years, since I moved my system to a slightly bigger cabinet which gave me 10 extra spaces. This is how the full system looks like:

I've placed some cheap rack effect boxes between the cabinets: Alesis Midiverb II, Lexicon MPX-100 and Zoom RFX-1000. The Alesis is used via the patchbay, and the others are connected to the aux send/returns of a Mackie 1202 VLZ mixer.

Finally, I've also added some dedicated effect boxes to the eurorack system: a Line6 DL4 delay and a TC Electronic Nova Reverb, connected in series. These are great for ambient/spacey sounds.

I consider both systems finished and I hope to spend the next few years exploring their possibilities.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Connections - my new modular album

My new album "Connections" is available for download. It mostly features the modular synths and Audiomulch.

Download it here: http://www.facproductions.net/music/connections/index.html

Thursday, August 6, 2015

New family reunion - now with cousins

I finally got a picture of all my modulars.

- 92-space MU format modular: One 48-space cabinet plus two 22-space portable cabinets on top.
- 9U (252 hp) Eurorack format modular.
- Effects rack (with patchbay and attenuators for modular-like patching and feedback loops).
- FutureRetro XS Semi-modular w/ FutureRetro Mobius sequencer.
- Nord Modular G2 (expanded) in front of the MU system.
- Nord Micromodular on top of the G2.
- Audiomulch on the Macbook beside the Nord G2.
- VAZ Modular on a Dell XPS Ultrabook on top of the Eurorack.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Family reunion

I didn't know what to do with the old rack... then it came to me. It was only logical to use it for as an FX rack and to place the eurorack system on top. So here's the full modular rig.... well, almost full. I still have to add the FutureRetro Mobius. I'm going to need some longer patch cables.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Moving the old system into a new cabinet

I got tired of that ugly 22U rack that housed almost half of my MU system and didn't want to risk my gear again by having two 22-space portable cabinets in an unstable vertical stack that can easily fall and kill my modular and/or my cat. So I had someone make me a 44-space slanted studio cabinet similar to those from Synthesizers.com. Except the guy made it 24 spaces wide instead of 22 spaces, so I ended up with a 48-space studio cab and a little extra space for new modules.

Here is a picture of the cab:

Here it is after installing the power components:

After the modules were installed I had 11 spaces left. A new SSL V-Gates module was already included:

Here is the full system with the two portable cabinets on top. I decided to keep the ugly 22U rack beside the modular for effects and other stuff. The eurorack system will be on top of the rack.

Those holes ain't gonna fill themselves, so stay tuned.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Last piece of the puzzle

My Xmas gift to myself: a Xaoc Devices Moskwa sequencer, which was the last eurorack module on my list. After two years, my euro system is now complete.

As an extra bonus, I finally purchased the VAZ Modular virtual synth. The demo version of this software introduced me to modular synthesis around 12 years ago, and I've wanted the full version ever since.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Just a vanity picture of the euro system with the newest modules: 4ms Rotating Clock Divider, SnazzyFX Ardcore, and WMD Geiger Counter.